We have been called in many ways to understand our relationship with the earth and to care for our common home.
(Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.24)
Ser Artesanas de Esperanza en Nuestro Mundo Bendecido y Roto
Declaración del Compromiso de la JPIC
Sociedad del Sagrado Corazón
Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World
Statement of JPIC Commitment
Society of the Sacred Heart
Our world is at an historic paradoxical moment. It holds new possibilities while it is also wrought with inequality, suffering, and violence. As such, we are citizens of a world that is both broken and blessed. We feel profoundly the cry of the poor and the pain of the earth. We desire to participate in the care of “our common home” – working against injustices, constructing peaceful interrelationships, and protecting the earth.
Guide de prière JPIC - Saison de la Création
Nous plantons ensemble pour un avenir durable et pour semer l'esperance...
Guía de Oración JPIC - Tiempo de la Creación
Plantamos juntas para un futuro sostenible y para sembrar esperanza...
Estamos felices de compartir la Guía de oración de JPIC para finalizar la Temporada de la Creación 2024, y algunas imágenes de nuestra campaña Plantar Esperanza.
JPIC Prayer Guide - Season of Creation
We plant together for a sustainable future and to sow hope...
We are happy to share the JPIC Prayer Guide to end the 2024 Season of Creation, and some images from our Planting for Hope campaign.
Intention de prière du Pape : Pour le cri de la Terre
Dans La Vidéo du Pape du mois de septembre, François nous invite à prier pour la sauvegarde de la planète et à écouter « la douleur des millions de victimes des catastrophes environnementales ».
Intención de oración del Papa: Por el clamor de la Tierra
En El Video del Papa de septiembre, Francisco invita a rezar por el cuidado del planeta y a escuchar “el dolor de los millones de víctimas de las catástrofes ambientales”.
Pope's Prayer Intention: For the cry of the Earth
In The Pope Video for September, Pope Francis invites us to pray for the care of the plant and to listen to “hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes.”
Bande-annonce vidéo "Laudate Deum"
Publication mercredi 4 octobre 2023 de l’exhortation apostolique de François Laudate Deum, Louez Dieu, qui précise et complète l’encyclique Laudato si' de 2015.