Les conditions sanitaires et d'hygiène du centre de santé St Charles Lawanga ne répondaient pas aux normes requises ; la lessive était effectuée dans la salle des vannes située dans la salle d'accouchement. Les patients étaient exposés à une propagation accrue des infections et les sages-femmes étaient distraites pendant leur service.
Las condiciones sanitarias y de higiene del centro de salud St Charles Lawanga no cumplían las normas exigidas; la colada se hacía en la sala de esclusas situada en la sala de partos. Los pacientes estaban expuestos a una mayor propagación de infecciones y las comadronas sufrían distracciones durante su servicio.
The sanitarian and hygiene conditions in the St Charles Lawanga Health centre did not meet the required standards; laundry took place in the sluice room set in the labour ward. Patients were exposed to higher spread of infections and midwives were distracted during their service.
Following the Covid pandemic, the HIV/AIDS affected/infected children of School of Life appeared less motivated towards their future. A higher number of school dropouts was registered and its consequences (early pregnancies, forced marriages, streetism, family violence).
For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2024/06/25
Date of Record Last Modified: 2024/06/25
The Uganda school curricula focus mainly on academic teaching, leaving aside hands-on skills. Graduated students’ job hunting was much limited to white collar jobs. At the Kalungu Girl Training Centre (KGTC), students mainly come from rural areas, whose parents could not afford higher education fees, and where office work is little.
For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2024/06/21
Date of Record Last Modified: 2024/06/24
The sanitarian and hygiene conditions in the St Charles Lawanga Health centre did not meet the required standards; laundry took place in the sluice room set in the labour ward. Patients were exposed to higher spread of infections and midwives were distracted during their service.
The project supported the construction of an annex room for exclusive laundry activities. The laundry room includes dobby sinks, wardrobes to store bedlinen, electricity wiring, proper drainage and a couple of washing machines.
For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2024/06/20
Date of Record Last Modified: 2024/06/20
El Día Internacional de la Niña (IDG), que suele celebrarse el 11 de octubre de cada año, tuvo lugar este año el 10 de octubre en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York.
Rose Nyawira rscj partage sa réflexion sur la protection de l'environnement et comment l'environnement prend également soin de nous à son tour.
« J'ai vu de nombreuses RSCJ partager le peu de connaissances qu'elles possèdentavec des collaborateurs collègues, avec des étudiants et avec la fraternité communauté de l'école, Faire en sorte que chaque jour afin de s'assurer que chaque jour, chacun travaille pour la justice et la paix ».
Regardez la vidéo ci-dessous :