The 2024 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) took place from 8th-17th July. The theme of the forum was; Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and Eradicating Poverty in times of Multiple Crises: The Effective Delivery of Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative Solutions.

HLPF functions as the Central UN platform for the follow up and review of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. This year the forum focused on SDG 1,2,13,16 and 17. About 40 countries made their Voluntary National Reports (VNR) including nine countries where we have RSCJ presence; Chad, Kenya, Uganda, Peru, Spain, Colombia, Austria, Brazil and Mexico.
Several events sponsored by UN major groups and Civil Society groups highlighted perspective on implementation and progress towards the SDGs in their respective countries. Maricruz from the Society of the Sacred Heart and 5 other delegates from 4 congregations offered a webinar conversation which show cased implementation of the 5 SDGs by the congregations they represented in different countries. The Society was represented at the HLPF by one novice (Zsofia Tracy) from the European international novitiate in Chicago and two rscjs (Maricruz from Mexico and Margaret Mwarili, the UN-NGO representative).
Margaret Mwarili RSCJ
Zsofia’s Experience
As novices, we got involved in various activities during the summer. As one of my summer apostolic experiences, I came to New York to participate in the High Level Political Forum.I arrived in New York a few days before the conference and thus had the opportunity to take part in a guided tour of the UN building. They showed the different rooms, where and what kind of meetings take place. It was interesting to me that there is a room where they work on world peace.
It was a new experience for me to see how an international, worldwide conference is conducted.It was good to experience that delegates from all continents gathered for a common goal. It was good to hear that the realities and struggles of developing countries could be heard, and the truths could be heard.
Even if the complete elimination of poverty does not seem like a realistic goal, it is good to know that many people are working and making efforts to lift as many people as possible out of extreme poverty.
I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this forum and get a picture of how the world is trying to achieve and what efforts are being made to achieve the set goals, or at least approach them.
Zsofia Trasy nRSCJ
Click here to read the reflection of Maricruz Trigueros RSCJ.